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Safety & Maintenance

Evacuation procedures are posted on the back of each bedroom door. Please make yourself familiar with these instructions when you take up residence.


A comprehensive fire protection system, including sprinklers, safeguards the College buildings and is continually upgraded and tested to ensure its effectiveness. Fire evacuation drills are held during the year and Members must co-operate with fire wardens and fire service officers. If fire breaks out, the fire alarm bells will sound a warning and all Members must then vacate the building following the instructions posted below

In the event of a fire or if the fire alarm sounds, You MUST leave the building and:

  • Shut windows, turn off electrical equipment if it is safe to do so. Do not put yourself at risk to achieve this.
  • Put on shoes and leave your door closed but unlocked.
  • Leave the building via the closest fire exit.
  • Do not use the lift.
  • Assemble at the designated meeting area.
  • Staff and/or emergency services will check your rooms after you have vacated them.
  • Do not re-enter the building until staff advise it is safe to do so.

College Leaders are trained fire wardens and it is important that you follow their instructions.

Candles, incense, and oil burners/vapourisers (including ultrasonic) are not permitted anywhere inside College buildings

Evacuating from the Main Building (including the Norris Dining Hall)

Primary evacuation route: exit via the main front door and assemble on Leith Street opposite the main driveway.
Secondary evacuation routes:

  1. Exit via the alley door on RA, turn left down the alley beside Unicol.
  2. Exit via the rear foyer door to the Courtyard, walk past Thorpe House and the Study Centre to Clyde Street via the tennis court gate (automatically unlocked).

Assemble on the Clyde Street (staff) carpark and DO NOT ENTER CLYDE WING.

If in the Norris Dining Hall and evacuation via the primary route is not possible, exit via the Conservatory door and Courtyard gate OR the main kitchen, assemble on the Clyde Street (staff) carpark.

Evacuating from Wilson Wing, Thorpe House, and the Study Centre

Primary evacuation route: exit via the tennis court gate (automatically unlocked) to Clyde Street, assemble on the Clyde Street (staff) carpark.

Wilson Wing secondary evacuation route: exit via the accessible entrance in the corridor to the main building, assemble on Leith Street opposite the main driveway. DO NOT OPEN THE FIRE DOOR AND ENTER THE MAIN BUILDING.

Evacuating from Clyde Wing

Primary evacuation route: exit via the emergency escape on the ground floor (CA floor), assemble on the Clyde Street (staff) carpark.

Secondary evacuation route: exit via the Courtyard door (CB floor), walk past Thorpe House and the Study Centre to exit via the tennis court gate (automatically unlocked) to Clyde Street, assemble on the Clyde Street (staff) carpark. DO NOT ENTER THE MAIN BUILDING.

Evacuating from Clyde House

Primary evacuation route: exit via the front door, assemble on the Clyde Street (staff) carpark.

Fire Safety Equipment

All bedrooms are fitted with smoke alarms. The smoke alarm sensors are sensitive for your safety in the event of a fire. The sensors can be activated by steam from hair dryers and hair straighteners and aerosol hair and deodorant sprays, therefore please take care in the use of these items.

Obstruction of smoke alarms and sprinklers by clothing and personal effects is dangerous and can result in damage and/or false alarms. Covering smoke detectors or sprinkler heads, tampering with the detection system or any misuse of fire equipment are all breaches of Fire and Emergency NZ regulations and will be treated as serious misconduct by the College. False alarms form the bulk of Fire and Emergency Service callouts. There is a cost for each false alarm call-out and this may be charged to the Member, whether malicious or accidental.

Please do not attempt to open outside fire doors, tamper with fire equipment or signage, or to open locked security doors. Fire regulations require hallways and shared spaces to be kept clear. The College takes a serious view of any misuse of fire and safety equipment. All intentional false alarms and misuse of equipment will result in disciplinary action being taken.


DROP down onto your hands and knees (before the earthquake knocks you down). This position protects you from falling but allows you to still move if necessary.

COVER your head and neck (and your entire body if possible) under a sturdy table or desk (if within a few steps of you). If there is no shelter nearby, crawl to an inside corner of the room and cover your head and neck with your arms and hands.

HOLD on to your shelter (or to your head and neck) until the shaking stops. Be prepared to move with your shelter if the shaking shifts it around. The shorter the distance to your safe place, the less likely it is that you will be injured by furnishings that become flying debris during the shaking.

If you are inside you should remain inside, if you are outside you should remain outside but take shelter clear of buildings, trees, power lines and other potential hazards. If you are instructed to evacuate, or if the alarm sounds, head to the nearest safe evacuation meeting area and await instructions from staff or emergency service personnel.

Responding quickly in an earthquake may help protect you from injury. Practice drop, cover, and hold at least twice a year. Drop to the floor, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, and hold on to a leg of the furniture. If suitable furniture is not nearby, sit on the floor next to an interior wall and cover your head and neck with your arms. Keep away from windows and other items that may fall on you.


If there is a threat to life on Campus, the College will be locked down and all curtains will be closed.

You must:

  • Switch your mobile phone to silent so you can make and receive communications. Switch off other electronic devices such as laptops.
  • Move away from all windows and/or doors.
  • Move to a higher floor where practicable.
  • Remain quiet.
  • Follow the instructions of Senior staff.
  • Await instructions from Emergency Service.

If there is a threat to life in College:

Run – Hide – Fight

RUN – to a place of safety:

  • Have an escape route and plan in mind
  • Leave your belongings behind
  • Keep your hands visible

HIDE – if unable to run from the area, hide:

  • Hide in an area out of view
  • Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors where possible
  • Silence your cell phone
  • Turn off the lights and all electrical equipment

Fight - as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger:

  • Attempt to incapacitate the assailant
  • Act with physical aggression using whatever items you can, throw items at the assailant or try and overpower them.


To protect the Members, their privacy and possessions, the Head of College and staff place great emphasis on the security of the College. If uninvited visitors are seen around the College, either challenge them or inform the Head of College, Deputy Heads of College, or College Leaders immediately.

All Members and their guests must enter and exit the buildings (except for in an emergency) via the main front door on Leith Street. College Leaders are on duty in the foyer during every evening to ensure the College is safe and secure.

Security cameras cover the public areas, entrances, and exterior of the College. The front door is locked overnight (see below), although Members are given key tags to enable access after hours.

During semester time the front door is locked each night between 9:00 pm and 7:00 am. N.B. these hours may be altered during holiday periods.

Keep your bedroom door locked

We recommend that your bedroom door is locked when you are out and when you are asleep. You are responsible for the contents of your room, the College will not accept responsibility for loss or damage due to theft or accident.

Take your keys with you

We recommend getting into the habit of taking your keys with you when leaving your room to avoid getting accidentally locked out.

Energy Conservation

The College is well-heated. If a bedroom is too hot please check and turn down your heater/radiator (thermostatic valves have been installed on heaters to make it easy to regulate the heat). Members must not tamper with thermostats and/or timers.

Please turn lights off when leaving bedrooms and common rooms, and turn off unnecessary lights in bathrooms and kitchens. Please be reasonable in the use of hot water. The College appreciates the efforts of the Members in helping to save energy and the environment.


The College requests Members' assistance in preventing large repair bills. Please let the College Leader on duty or the Head of College or Deputy Heads of College know immediately if there is a major problem such as a burst pipe. Write any other issues needing addressed in the maintenance book. This is in the drawer of the desk opposite the Business & IT Manager's Office. An easy way to contact the Maintenance Supervisor is by email at This is checked daily by the Maintenance Supervisor and will ensure that any maintenance issues are addressed in a timely manner.

Keys fobs

Members are issued with key fobs for their bedroom and access-controlled doors. For security reasons, you sign for these, and the only people who will usually have access to your room are Housekeeping and Maintenance staff (and this usually at your request). When possible, you will be advised when other staff need to enter your room, for example for health or safety reasons or in extraordinary circumstances.

Lost key fobs

It is important that Members take care of all key fobs and return them on leaving the College at the end of their final examination. Members may be charged for the replacement cost when they fail to return their key fobs.

Please let a College Leader or staff member know immediately if a key is lost so that the key fob can be deactivated and outsiders cannot gain entry. You will still have a few days’ grace to find your key but this way you will not be responsible if someone uses your key to gain entry to the College.

The cost for replacing lost key fobs is $20.00.

Bedroom door locks

Bedroom doors remain unlocked until the privacy button on the inside is pressed to deactivate the exterior handle. The exterior handle will be automatically reactivated when the door is opened from the inside. The privacy function may be overridden by College staff or College Leaders for health and safety reasons, and by housekeeping staff. When leaving your room, please lock the door by touching your key to the reader rather than with the privacy button.

Electrical Equipment

Because of the risk of fire, Members are not allowed to use electric heaters, toasters, grills, microwaves, cooking appliances, electric blankets, irons, or other heavy electrical appliances in their rooms. All other electrical appliances must comply with safety standards. Appliances are considered any items that are plugged into a wall outlet, including desktop computers, laptop/phone chargers, hair straighteners, etc. If in doubt contact the Business & IT Manager.

All electrical appliances belonging to Members must be tested and tagged for safety. The College provides this service free of charge at the start of the year.


No fireworks or rockets are permitted in the College’s buildings or grounds.

Water Pistols

Because these damage the wallpaper they are not allowed in the College.


Firearms, archery equipment, weapons and replica weapons including (but not limited to) knives and swords may not be kept, stored, or used at the College under any circumstances. This includes any type of air rifle, including BB guns and spear/snap guns.

Any Member (or guest) who brings any item deemed by the Head of College to fall under this category will be required to relinquish the item for the duration of residence, or to permanently remove the item from College property.

The Proctor’s Office has a Police approved firearm storage facility. This is for “A” category firearms only. Firearms must be personally brought into the Campus Watch office for storage. Courier delivery will not be accepted. Students are required to produce their firearms license when dropping off or uplifting their firearms. There is no cost for this service and students can uplift their stored firearms 24/7, provided 24-hour prior notification is received.

Roofs & Balconies

For Health & Safety reasons, no one is allowed on any roof or the balconies of the main wing.

Private Possessions

As the College is so close to the main campus, theft is an occasional problem and Members are urged to keep their bedroom doors locked. In the case of theft, a Member should report the matter both to their floor College Leader and the Police. Members are advised to ensure that their personal possessions have private insurance cover. Sometimes a parental Household Contents Policy may cover the Member's personal possessions. Please note that the College accepts no responsibility for private possessions brought into College.

Norris Dining Hall

Please take care around hot surfaces such as the toaster, the toasted sandwich maker, the boiling water tap and the bain-marie.

Shoes must always be worn in the Dining Hall.

Due to space and safety considerations, bags and packs are to be left outside the Norris Dining Hall along the Music Room side of the corridor. Please do not place bags alongside the Atrium side of the hallway.