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The Members’ Association


The Members’ Association promotes the sporting, cultural and social life of St Margaret’s College and acts as a student voice and liaison group between Members and Staff.


All Members of the College belong to the Members’ Association. The College Leaders are ex-officio honorary Members.

The Executive (known as the Exec)

The Exec comprises the following eleven elected members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Food Rep, Social Rep, Cultural Rep, Arts Rep, Sports Rep, and two First-Year Reps. The First-Year Reps are elected early in semester 1, while the other positions are filled by a Members’ election at the end of the previous year. The Exec Members have specific areas of responsibility and can act as your representatives to the Head of College.

Apart from their daily responsibilities, the Exec arrange orientation week activities, the annual ball, sports events, cultural events, Sunday dinner music performances, theme dinners, floor competitions, the canteen, etc They are responsible for the maintenance of equipment purchased by the Association, i.e. the pool table, table tennis table, AV equipment, and sporting and game equipment. The Exec play an important role, as the functions they arrange bring the College together and help make St Margaret’s a vibrant community.

Members’ Association Finance

Upon presentation of a satisfactory budget, the College Council normally asks the Members’ Association to manage that budget. This budget funds and/or subsidises:

  • apparel
  • sporting, game, and AV equipment
  • activities
  • events

Relationships with Other Organisations

While Members may belong to other student organisations, the St Margaret’s Members’ Association is not affiliated with these and exists solely for the well-being of College Members. The Otago University Student Association works for the benefit of students but has no authority over the St Margaret’s College Members’ Association.

The Magazine

Each year Members publish a magazine that is the responsibility of the Exec Secretary and the Members who write articles. The College authorities take no responsibility for the writing, compilation, censoring, or publication of this magazine. The College stipulates that authors and editors must write in good taste, conform to the University’s Ethical Behaviour Policy, and take full personal responsibility for all articles. Individuals have the right to view and approve articles where they are named before the publication of the magazine.

The Canteen

The Members’ Association runs a canteen that sells snack food. Although there is little markup on goods, any profits made go towards the Association. The Canteen is run on a voluntary basis and all Members are asked to cooperate with the Canteen Manager (Food Rep) and Staff.