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2023 Fee Schedule & Residential Dates

Acceptance Fee

Non-refundable fee due upon acceptance of a place:

  • New Members NZD$1,000.00
  • Returning Members NZD$500.00

Not a deposit

The acceptance fee is not a deposit against accommodation fees (see below). In most cases, the acceptance fee is not covered by a scholarship.

Accommodation Fees

When paid in full on or before Friday, 20 January 2023, accommodation fees for the 2023 academic year are:

  • New Members NZD$18,699.80
  • Returning Members NZD$17,472.40

The above amounts include a 5% discount to the total fee amount (i.e. the amount due if paying by instalment - see below).

Instalment Payments

As an alternative to the discounted amounts above, accommodation fees can also be paid in either four or eight equal instalments.

New Members Returning Members
Total 2023 accommodation fees
When paying by instalment
NZD$19,684.00 NZD$18,392.00
Instalment payments
Due by the dates listed below
4 x NZD$4,921.00
8 x $2,460.50
4 x NZD$4,598.00
8 x $2,299.00

Instalment payment due dates are:

Four Instalments

  1. Friday, 20 January 2023
  2. Friday, 24 March 2023
  3. Friday, 26 May 2023
  4. Friday, 28 July 2023


Eight Instalments

  1. Friday, 20 January 2023
  2. Friday, 24 February 2023
  3. Friday, 24 March 2023
  4. Friday, 28 April 2023
  5. Friday, 26 May 2023
  6. Friday, 23 June 2023
  7. Friday, 28 July 2023
  8. Friday, 25 August 2023

Payment frequencies

Please note that we are unable to offer any other payment options.

Choice of Payment Option

Upon confirmation of your acceptance, you will be asked to let us know your preferred payment option via an online form. We would be grateful if you could please let us know your choice as soon as possible.


Scholarships are applied to accommodation fees in the first instance, and we will take care of the arrangements to obtain payment directly to us. The scholarship amount will appear as a credit on your accommodation fee invoice. If you elect to pay in full, the credit will be applied to the discounted amount shown above. If paying by instalment, the credit will be spread equally across the instalment amounts.

For example, a $6,000.00 scholarship and paying:

Payment Option Amount after scholarship
In full, by Friday, 20 January 2023
(with 5% discount)
$18,699.80 - $6,000.00 = $12,699.80
4 instalments
(each payment)
$4,921.00 - ($6,000.00 ÷ 4) = $4,921.00 - $1,500.00 = $3,421.00
8 instalments
(each payment)
$2,460.50 - ($6,000.00 ÷ 8) = $2,460.50 - $750.00 = $1,710.50

Residential Dates

The move-in date is Saturday, 18 February 2023.

The fees above cover accommodation for the period Saturday, 18 February 2023 to 24 hours after the student's last exam or Sunday, 12 November 2023, whichever date is earlier. Members are required to leave within 24 hours of the last exam in the interests of those still studying. Any exemption will only be given by the Head of College and a daily charge will apply.

Please note that those who are required to start their course earlier than Saturday, 19 February 2022 and wish to stay at the College, an additional daily charge will apply.

Accommodation for Parents

Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate parents at the College should they wish to accompany you at the start of the academic year. There are plenty of other accommodation options in the vicinity or further afield in Dunedin to choose from.

Late Fee Charges

A late payment surcharge may apply if fees remain unpaid after the relevant due dates. Please see the Finance section in this Handbook.

Payment Methods

See the Finance section in this Handbook or your fee invoice.


St Margaret's College does not charge a bond.